Entorno de aprendizaje de la WEB 2.0

Dentro de la entrega número 15 de Learning Papers (2009), me gustaría resaltar el artículo "Entorno de aprendizaje de la Web 2.0: concepto, aplicación y evaluación". Ingo Blees y Marc Rittberger (German Institute of International Educational Reseach) nos presentan una reflexión muy interesante de cómo la proliferación de las herramientas de la web 2.0 están generando un "cambio cultural" en las formas de comunicación, de compartir el conocimiento y de estrategias de aprendizaje".

"This contribution presents and evaluates a new learning environment model based on Web 2.0 applications. We assume that the technological change introduced by Web 2.0 tools has also caused a cultural change in terms of dealing with types of communication, knowledge and learning. The answers given by eLearning scholars who intend to use the creative options offered by Web 2.0 in institutional learning are summarised in the first part of the paper. In this theoretical overview we introduce the concepts of eLearning 2.0 and Personal Learning Environments, along with their main aspects of autonomy, creativity and networking, and relate them to the didactics of constructivism and connectivism. The requirements and basic functional components for the development of our particular Web 2.0 learning environment are derived from these." ...leer más


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