Nueva entrega del Newsletter de (Marzo 2010).
Como siempre, encontraremos convocatorias, artículos, acontecimietos, etc. como por ejemplo:
This Report presents the outcomes of the ICT cluster that the Commission has set up under the Education and Training 2010 programme as part of the Lisbon objectives set for 2010. The ICT cluster is...
This eBook “Science Education in European Schools – SelectedPractices from the STELLA Catalogue” provides a sample of selected practices, collected in the scope of the European Lifelong...
A proposed approach for integration comprises four key elements: enhancing teachers' skills and work conditions; motivating learners by addressing their needs/goals with respect to integration in the...
The findings indicate that learning strategies that make use of social media can contribute to innovation in Education and Training in Europe by facilitating technological, pedagogical and...
It provides recent guidelines and practical and very concrete information about how media education is organised in Finland as well as a wealth of links to Finnish organisations and agencies active...
This article discusses the emergence of a European E-Learning Area (EELA) as a consequence of three factors observable in the e-learning developments over the past decade. The first factor consists...
Auch im Jahr 2010 haben das Multimedia Kontor Hamburg und das New Media Consortium ihre Kooperation fortgeführt und eine deutsche Übersetzung des Horizon Report erstellt....
Based on an OECD review of 46 quality teaching initiatives in 20 countries, the report highlights the significant impact of the institutions’ environment, trends in the quality of academia,...
This document provides an overview of the discussion that took place 31 March – 1 April at IPTS, Seville, Spain, in the validation workshop of the interim results of the project on Innovations in...

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